Current Weather at:
Current Radar Image From Cheyenne, WY (NWS) Current Web Cam Image From CSU Atmospheric Science - Looking NW Current Forecast
Local METAR Reports (use scroll buttons on side to find the report of interest) Click to view US METAR data in Google Earth.
| |
Temperature |
51.9°F | |
Humidity |
32% |
Dewpoint |
22.9°F |
Wind 10-Minute Wind Avg. |
WSW at 0.0 mph
0.0 mph |
Wind Chill |
51.9°F |
Barometer |
30.249 in & Falling Slowly |
Today's Rain |
0.04 in |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total |
9.02 in |
Today's Highs/Lows | ||
High Temperature Low Temperature |
54.4°F at 1:40p 28.1°F at 4:51a |
High Wind Speed |
17.0 mph at 9:02a |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.410 in at 6:14a 30.248 in at 2:59p |
Low Wind Chill |
28.0°F at 4:17a |
High Heat Index |
54.0°F at 12:21p |